2022 浴佛節
恭請 弘聖上師陞座開示
Master Hong Sheng Dharma Teaching at Buddha's Birthday
2022 浴佛節
恭請 弘聖上師陞座開示
Master Hong Sheng Dharma Teaching at Buddha's Birthday
⚜️弘聖靈覺 禪師 語錄⚜️
學子 \ 師父 您知道他在騙您,
弘聖師父 \ 因為他來騙我的同時,
/ 弘聖靈覺禪師 / /
Disciple\ Master, you know that he is lying to you.
Why did you still let him do it?
Master Hong Sheng \ Because when he came to deceive me,
I could educate him in it and let him take it back.
/ Zen Master Hong Sheng Ling Jue / /
弘聖上師 語露即時
【思 再斯可矣】