"淨純妙境 天神共讚"



淨純妙境 天神共讚 --蓮境妙音(七) (2).jpg


妙音加持 福臨只臨有福之人

經云:「若有眾生得聞佛聲,慈心清淨,踴躍歡喜,衣毛為起或淚出者,皆由前世曾作佛道,故非凡人」。 換句話說,若不是具備有福德因緣者也難聞此音,可見福臨只臨有福之人,因緣稍縱即逝,怎能不善加珍惜。


Original sounds aids bless to those who have already acquired a great deal of merits and virtues.

According to Immeasurable Lifespan sutra, “ If there are beings who heard about the sound of the Buddha, they can make their minds kind and pure, feel glad and happy, and get goose bumps all over or shed tears, that is because they have practiced Buddhism in their former lives, therefore they are not common people.” In the other hand, if not being blessed, we are not be able to hear the sound , the causes and effect slips away, how can we not cherish this opportunity?




---"弘聖靈覺 禪師" 法偈--- 


 淨純妙境 天神共讚 --蓮境妙音(七) (3).jpg


一音一淨蓮 一韻一珠璣

傳家 珍藏 饋贈最相宜


福緣珍品 最佳傳家之寶

身心障難 最佳療癒之方

海外遠遊 最佳寄情之物

學子登科 最佳開智之囊

商場浮沉 最佳淨心之秘


Single tone and rhythm mean infinity,

Respect and honor the original sounds and share it to the world.

Let the original sound flows in our daily lives, to refresh the modern beings’ souls; in addition to learn from Mater Hong Sheng’s Buddhist teaching and apply it to our everyday lives, we will all be self-mastery, carefree and at liberty.

If the listeners share the album to others, the kindness and merits are beyond bounds.

The best family heirloom;

The sound heals people who are suffering from imbalanced bodies,

minds and souls;

The best company when travelers are away from homes;

The best gift for students if they wish to attain the wisdom.

The best way to calm the minds when you are going through highs

and lows in the life.


 淨純妙境 天神共讚 --蓮境妙音(七) (1).jpg








Original Sound, the Ocean’s Roar

During the production of “the Sound in Lotus Land”, I got a chance to listen to its first edition, an extraordinary energy of sound streamed through my body and toward the very deep down to my cells, to my soul. Suddenly, an unprecedented sadness came to me. I was bursting into tears just like the rushing floods. The original sound has washed away the thick dust in my soul and softened my stubborn heart.


In the end of production, Terry and I listened to the EP together. It was my second time to listen to it. We sat down and listened to the original sound sincerely. The sound was far off, peaceful, quiet and still. Unexpectedly, the positive energy made both of us fall asleep on the sofa for a long while. The feeling of touching and gratitude were lasting in my heart. Not a word can describe it.

Thank you, Master Hong Sheng,

Thank you for leaving this beautiful sound to the world!


Written by Ma Jian



出版發行:一覺元學會  MUYA 瑜珈


Published by Yi Jue Yuan Association

E-mail : YJYLC.tw@gmail.com



Published in September , 2015


*****歡迎流通 隨喜功德*****



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