



彌足珍貴之音 --蓮境妙音(五) (2).jpg


---"弘聖靈覺 禪師" 法偈---



不在於頻率 而在願力               

——弘聖靈覺 禪師 法語


一片熱銷的CD,也許最初映入眼簾的是漂亮的包裝、知名的歌手或生花妙筆的讚詞。而坊間諸多所謂療癒系的音樂,演唱者大都不乏燦爛的經歷、繽紛的頭銜, 然而,世上尚沒有一片CD可以365天每天24小時連續播放而不膩耳,甚至,連紅龕桌上的神靈都傳訊讚嘆此音聲之稀有而珍惜不已,而這些絕無僅有的感應,真實的原因就在於「圓融療癒眾生的音律基底,不在於頻率,而在願力」,不在於優美的旋律,而在於演唱者無私無我的慈悲願力,《元和妙音》正是覺者無緣大慈、同體大悲的最大體現。 


What actually heals the beings is not the melody,

but the great mercy.

-----Dhammapada from Master Hong Sheng-----


For a best-selling CD, it catches customers’ eyes through the fancy overwrap, the fame of the singer or big advertisement. Most of the healing-style music in the market is usually sung by singers who are experienced and well-know. However, none of these CDs can be played repeatedly 24\7 and even being praised by the heavenly spirits in the shrine. These unique songs are healing being with the great mercy not the moldy. It is the original sound that shows Master Hong Sheng’s compassion for all others as we are one entity.



一音一韻 彌足珍貴

珍罕稀有 所以無價

覺者應世而出,應緣度化,然而因緣生滅不定,音聲之彌足珍貴,在於其一聲一韻皆殊勝非凡,猶如靈丹妙藥,一丸一散皆不捨浪費,即便有時戶外收音難免會有雜音,室內唱頌,也有聽聞者因個人質性而產生不同之現象,如淚涕、豎毛、 呵欠、靈動、敬拜、或合目養神者等種種現象所產生之音響,不過,雖稍有干擾但也不礙聆聽,為呈現現場之真實狀態,故都一一收錄其中,但若有業障深重者,初聞妙音時或許會有畏怯難耐的感受,若能持續勇於領受,不久便可獲得塵垢洗滌的效果。



Precious original sound pricelessly flows in the universe.

Enlightened Master Hong Sheng who sings to liberate all sentient beings with causes and conditions, not only each single tone and rhythm mean infinity, but also the sound heals beings like cure-all medicine. Even there were some noises during outdoor recordings or noises from listeners’ movements; it won’t chance the value of the sound.

There might be some audients will feel uncomfortable in their first contacts of original sound. The feeling will be washed away after a certain time.



彌足珍貴之音 --蓮境妙音(五) (1).jpg

末學的學佛因緣是應沈老師之邀,於一次餐會當中,席間 弘聖師父上人的談笑風生竟然不可思議地將內人多年以來的偏頭痛及失眠瞬間療癒。日後陸續得知許多同參因健康(舉凡甲亢、紅斑性狼瘡,自閉症,癌症等等)或感情.家庭.事業各種人生困境,都因遇 師父上人而得解,甚而有回末學親睹連鬼神都來頂禮求援,那是超越時空與語言的佛音,洗滌、安撫、療癒、淨化了心浮念亂,障難難解的眾生,真所謂「佛以一音演說法,眾生隨類各得解」。

而 師父開示:「妙音乃引導啟發我們的自性本能,唯有進德修業.提升靈性,生命才有正量,妙音才有效果。」

「蓮境妙音」因 弘聖師父上人慈悲應化,隨緣而生,弟子現場聆聽,靈山幽洞中,平靜的心徜徉在音流禪聲裏,甚深觸動,誠感如此無上妙音殊勝難得,不應獨享,當下啟請流傳世間,商請同學子鴻及一覺元同參協助後製,於焉發行。

感恩 弘聖師父上人

末學 王泰融 敬筆


The sound flows in the core of soul

Initially, I first learned Buddhism from Master Hong Sheng at a banquet held by Ms. Shen, who was a teacher of Chinese. During the meal, Master Hong Sheng talked cheerfully and humorously to everyone. We had a nice chat at that time. Moreover, a miracle happened. To our surprise, my wife’s chronic illnesses such as migraines and insomnia were cured in a flash by Master. My wife had been suffering from these illnesses for ages, and now she seemed like a new person. We were really full of gratitude for Master. Since then, we have decided to follow Master Hong Sheng’s teaching to advance on the path to Enlightenment.

Later, we have learned many people had suffered from serious diseases like hyperthyroidism, lupus erythematosus, autism and cancer…etc. has cured by Master Hong Sheng. Some people had got into trouble with relationship, family and business. All of them have solved their problems with Master’s help. Besides, I even witnessed that the beings from spirit also asked for help from the Master.

Master’s original sound, the Buddha’s voice, transcends all the boundaries of space; it clams, comforts, cures and purifies sentient beings’ soul and mind. His massage is using only one sound, and is able to deliver to all the beings; all the audience can fully understand Him. Master once taught us, “The original sound inspires our self-innate-nature. The only way to lift our spirits is to cultivate our moral characters and keep practice. Then, our life will have positive energy and get the efficacy.”

The Master treats all beings with love and compassion. He helps people to follow the cause and condition and always to maintain a pure mind. When I listened respectfully to the Master’s music at the scene, I felt peaceful. I enjoyed the awesome sound so much. The sound is too precious to be exclusively enjoyed. Therefore, I made a request for releasing the EP in order to share with more people. Thanks to my classmate, Eric Chen, a famous music producer. With his help, the EP is released.

Thank you Master Hong Sheng,


Written by Terry Wong



出版發行:一覺元學會  MUYA 瑜珈


Published by Yi Jue Yuan Association

E-mail : YJYLC.tw@gmail.com



Published in September , 2015


*****歡迎流通 隨喜功德*****



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