Those Who Have Never Seen Master Hong Sheng But Have Strong

Belief in Him are Blessed


Thank Master Hong Sheng for visiting Northeast China in September 2016. The people who could come to listen to the Dharma teachings of Master Hong Sheng were blessed. Everyone went back with great peace, calm and happy feelings. Besides, there were some people having no chance to come to Master Hong Sheng, but after they got the Dharma treasury they changed their life completely, which made me deeply moved. How broad and deep the influence of Master Hong Sheng’s Dharma teachings was!

Li Wensheng, an art teacher in the university, spent nine hours on the train in order to take part in the lecture of Master Hong Sheng specially. He cherished every minute and asked Master Hong Sheng all the questions that he didn’t understand, learning a lot and finally going back with happiness. Later teacher Li introduced me one of his students Zhao Yuqing, an elementary school teacher who had a big obstacle in her life. Her husband was sent to the hospital because of cerebral thrombosis. It was so serious that even the doctor thought it was a miracle that he could be still alive. She had been taking care of him for nine months, during which she was absent-minded. As soon as she got in touch with me, I sent her the recorder of the original sound of Master Hong Sheng and the cards of Seven Buddhas that was painted by Master Hong Sheng. The day after she got it, incredible things happened. When she put the original sound recorder beside her husband’s bed, to her surprise, her weak and aphasia husband even wanted to speak loud. His body and spirit also had an amazing change. Seeing that, she shed tears. She later contacted with me by Wechat. From her sound, I felt that she was so moved and her heart was full of grace, an inexpressible grace. She asked me if she could frame the cards of the Seven Buddhas and if it was appropriate to put them in the hospital. I told her that would be fine as long as she was sincere.


20180409 那沒看見就信的有福了(英譯版)--馬健老師口述分享.jpg

Zhao Yuqing and her totally recovered husband. The original sound of Master Hong Sheng helped her husband recover from cerebral thrombosis in a very short time. So unimaginable!


Zhao Yuqing’s husband used not to believe in Buddhism and didn’t allow her to play the recordings related with Buddhism. However, when hearing the original sound of Master Hong Sheng, he would speak loud, “worship Buddhas!” During that time, Zhao Yuqing was very busy in looking after her husband, having a lot of things to do every day. Every time when she worshipped the Seven Buddhas, she would yawn, shed tears and have a lot of saliva in the mouth. After that she would have a good mood. What was more, she suffered from hypertension before. By worshipping the Seven Buddhas, her blood pressure came down from 180120 to 14085. For her, to know Master Hong Sheng and to get the Seven Buddhas was like a drowning people who came across a piece of driftwood. The valuable thing was that she didn’t just ask for blessings, but tried to understand the teachings of Master Hong Sheng by heart and put them into practice in daily life. That was the reason why her life had a great change.

At the beginning of her husband’s sickness, his sister stopped him from going to the big hospital to see a doctor, which made the illness delayed. Therefore, she resented her a lot when the doctor said the disease of his husband was incurable after he was sent to the hospital later. What deepened her resentment was that she had to bear the burden alone of looking after her husband from morning till night in the following nine months. Her husband’s family were all intellectuals. But nobody wanted to share the burden with her. After getting the Dharma treasury of Master Hong Sheng, she finally unlocked the knot in her mind, forgiving the family and taking the responsibility for looking after the parents-in-law. She said, “the energy of Master Hong Sheng is so strong. If it were not for him, I couldn’t stop resenting them and let it go. Now I am a different person, full of happiness. I am looking forward to kneeling before Master Hong Sheng and expressing my gratitude at an early date.”


Shared by Teacher Ma Jian orally





馬健老師 口述分享


非常感恩 師父上人今年(2016)九月的東北行。這次能來聽法的人特別有福報,大家都能滿載而歸。而更有的是沒有機緣來到 師父上人面前,可是在接觸到法寶之後,人生竟有了很大的轉變,讓我非常感動 師父上人弘法的能量是那麼廣大、那麼強。

在大學教美術的李文勝老師,坐了九個小時的火車趕來瀋陽聽 師父上人說法,他很珍惜每一寸的時間,把肚子裡所有的疑惑都跟 師父提問。最後,他是肚子裝得飽飽的,很開心地回去。李老師回去後,把他的學生趙玉清介紹給我認識。趙玉清是小學教師,她的人生遇到非常大的障礙。她的先生腦血栓,送進醫院,非常嚴重,醫生認為能活在人間就很奇蹟了。她日夜照顧先生已有九個月,對她而言,生命是處在非常膠著迷茫的狀況。她聯絡上我之後,我便趕快把 師父的元和妙音和一覺尊法寶(師父上人畫的七尊佛像)寄給她。她收到之後,很快奇蹟就發生了。收到的隔一天,她把元和妙音放到丈夫的病床前,身體虛弱並失語的丈夫,聽到音聲之後,竟想要大聲發音嚷嚷說話,並且身體和精神有非常神奇的轉變,見到這樣,她就流淚了。之後,她跟我通微信,從她的聲音就知道她有一種很感動、感恩,不知道怎麼感恩才好的激動,並問我說:「能不能把一覺尊用相框鑲上?能不能放在醫院裡?」我說都可以,只要心誠都可以。

原來她先生之前並不信佛,以往都不准她播放佛法錄音。但 師父上人的音聲一放,先生會大聲說:「拜佛!」她照顧先生每天要做很多事,非常忙,但拜一覺尊,每拜就打哈欠、流眼淚、生很多口水,心情非常非常舒服。她的血壓原來很高,有120-180,後來是85-140,這是拜了一覺尊之後,血壓有這樣的反應。那一陣子,趙玉清見到了 師父上人的一覺尊,就像溺水中見到了浮木一般。而她接觸到 師父上人的法寶不只是保佑而已,更吸收到 師父上人講法的理路,用心去感受、運用,也因此在生活中有了大轉變。

當初先生剛生病時,先生的姊姊阻止先生到大醫院看病,而把病耽擱了,後來到大醫院去時醫生判定不行了,玉清師姐因此心生怨恨。接下來九個月,照顧先生由她一人獨自承擔,從日到夜,先生的家人、姊姊都是知識份子,卻沒有人要來分擔,這也讓她心生怨很。得了 師父上人的法寶之後,她會原諒家人,主動解掉這個結、這個怨恨,更去照顧公婆,不再怨恨,放下了!她說,師父上人的能量太強大了,如果不是 師父上人,我是不可能做出這樣的行為的,我不可能會原諒的!如今,我像變了一個人,充滿歡喜,盼能早日拜謝  師父上人!


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