Perfect Reflection
9月 ▎September
The mind is everything
生病學生 / 師父,請問我要怎麼念佛?
聖師 / 用志求往生極樂的氣魄心念去念佛,你的病會痊癒也有機會去極樂。用為了治病而念佛的心,最好的狀態就只是治好病,去不了極樂,因為念頭不對!
Patient/Master, how should I recite the Buddha’s name?
Master Hong Sheng/Recite the Buddha’s name with strong faith of go to the Pure Land. Your illness will be cured and may have a chance of rebirth there. If your intention is only to cure your illness only the illness alone will be healed and you will not rebirth there because your mind is incorrect.