Jing-Jing and the Impermanence CD
One year before Christmas Eve, one of my friends’ older sister found a dying dog in front of her parents’ house. Out of sympathy, she took it to the vet for a medical test. The vet said that the dog was at least ten years old and it had given birth so many times that it had only three teeth left. One month later, she found two of its teeth on the floor while she was mopping, so now the dog has only one tooth.
My friend was afraid that the dog was so old that nobody would want to adopt it. She also worried that it became a stray dog again. She decided to take this dog to her home in Kaohsiung. Although she doesn’t like to keep pets, the dog had become a part of her family. At that time, she didn’t know how to take care of a pet. Luckily, over the past two years, she had been learning from Master Hong Sheng’s teachings and requested an Impermanence CD. When she was worried about what to do, she thought of the Impermanence CD sung by Master Hong Sheng. His teachings often help her focus her mind. From then on, when she was worried she would listen to Impermanence.
She had given her dog a new name, Liang Jing-Jing--- meaning shining like a diamond in Chinese. Anyway, what was the relation between Jing-Jing and the Impermanence? Ever since she had brought Liang Jing-Jing to her house in Kaohsiung, Jing-Jing had had a fever. It was too scrawny to stand steady. Before Jing-Jing came to her house, my friend had been accustomed to listening to the CD when she was uneasy, and she knew it would be useful for Jing-Jing’s health. To aide Jing-Jing’s quick recovery, she played the Impermanence CD for it all day.
Several days went by; Jing-Jing was getting better and better especially after she played the CD for it. Jing-Jing slept well and sometimes snored. My friend’s roommates thought she was a little superstitious because she believed in the incredible energy of the CD. Regardless, they couldn’t deny the fact that her dog recovered quickly after listening to the Impermanence.
One day her sister asked her if Jing-Jing was pregnant again because she was becoming fatter. They wondered if she had a baby and, thank God, it proved to be a false alarm.
When she went to her parents’ house, she talked to her mother about Jing-Jing and the Impermanence. The CD made Jing-Jing fall asleep easily and it even snored. Her mother did not make any comments. Afterwards, she took Jing-Jing to her parents’ home during Chinese New Year. Perhaps Jing-Jing was not familiar with the new place, so she was uneasy and nervous following everyone it met. Two days later, Jing-Jing was too tired and started to doze off. My friend rushed to find the CD for it. Jing-Jing slept well thereafter. Her mother couldn’t help laughing when she saw Jing-Jing snoring. She finally believed what her daughter said.
One day, her younger sister told her that she couldn’t sleep well and sometimes when she felt scared, she would wake up in the middle of the night. Her mother made a suggestion to her, “Put on the CD before you go to bed. Then you would have a sound sleep like Jing-Jing did.”
Jing-Jing listened to the CD day after day. One day, my friend found she had her period. She was so surprised because Jing-Jing was too old to have a period. Her roommate screamed and said, “Jing-Jing looks younger and stronger! It goes back to its youth!” My friend could not help but laugh and was moved to the point of tears. Jing-Jing has started its new life. Inspired by this situation, my friend also got a new realization of life. At the moment, her heart is filled with a greater sense of gratitude.
由於牠太老了,同參認為牠不可能再浪跡天涯,也不適合送給別人(怕給人家增添麻煩?),只好把它帶回住處飼養(其實,同參她的個性是不喜歡養寵物的)。而這之前兩年,因緣會遇,她結識了 師父上人,有機緣接受 師父上人的教誨,並且也啟請了 師父上人的元和妙音《無住》CD。因此,就在她為小狗的問題傷腦筋時,腦海中浮現 師父上人的《無住》。
晶晶就這樣日復一日的聽著《無住》,幾個月之後,有一天同參發現她的亮晶晶「狗婆婆」(外表已經變成狗仔仔的模樣哦!) ,牠…的月經來了!她的室友說:「晶晶回春了!」同參則是在一邊笑到熱淚盈眶。聽著《無住》的晶晶,生命的體驗才剛要開始。而這位深受感動的同參,對生命也有了新的體悟,心中充滿了感激……
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