弘聖上師 說法影音
2011年12月10日 高雄明覺法堂
Dharma Teachings by Master Hong Sheng in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
on December 10th, 2011
在這次 師父上人說法當中,也藉由讀書會這件事說出了人生生命成長的正確理路和真相,也提及到一般人往往在退休後,一旦失去了專注,身體開始產生病痛或種種心情上的轉折,法是藥,眾生的苦痛是病,應病與藥,隨方解敷。這次珍貴的說法提供了提升身心靈直捷了當的方法,希望大家也能正視自己的問題,法喜充滿,為生命做一個正向的提升~~!!!
Nowadays, many people like to gather in "reading party ".They choose the current popular books to read and exchange their thoughts after reading those books. By doing that, they think they can learn more knowledge and improve the depth of their life.
There’s also a common phenomenon that my Master found in today’s society: many retired people's spiritual and health state turn worse, once they lost their focus of their life. By using this example, Master told us the truth of our life in order to offer us the real methods to improve our state of mind, as well as our health, our life.
All the methods existed just for one reason: to solve people’s problems. So the methods are medicine, people’s problems are the illness; according to people's illness, we give them the appropriate medicine --- and that is what Master does.
This is a precious lesson which allows us to know the truth of life and find out our problem, then pick out the correct ways to solve them and give us an improvement to our physical health and spiritual state.
We really hope those who see this video can find out their problems and face them, and make a positive improvement of their life.