弘聖上師 說法影音
2011年11月26日 高雄明覺法堂
Dharma Teachings by Master Hong Sheng in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
on November 26th, 2011
在 師父上人開示說法當中,明白指出”戒”就是”守規矩”會守規矩的人就是做到了老實。
(以下節錄自 師父上人說法內容其中一段)
Physical Health and Spiritual Development Course of YJY Multicultural Education, by Master Hong-Sheng.
(26, 11, 2011 in Lunar Calendar)
What is the real meaning of being “honest”? How come there is no obvious improvement in my life although I’ve been learning for a while? In today’s course, Master indicated that “Precept” in Buddhism means “to observe the rules”. Therefore, the one who can observe the rules is being “honest”.
Here is an extract from today’s lesson…
Master: Someday before, I had a realization as a 50-year-old madam came visit me from Taichung with her 80-year-old mother.
The madam said to me:
“Teacher, we come here frequently from Taichung , but it is still difficult for us to understand your lectures in the course. However, time after time, in one of your lectures I heard three words that are really helpful to me – ‘to observe rules’.
This madam told me that she could not understand any bit of terms in Buddhism, as well as those supernatural/ethereal contents.
To her surprise, I told her:
“You’re wrong. In fact, you are one of those who really understand. Those who study classics and theories don’t, but you do.”
She was humble, told me that she has never read any Buddhist Scriptures and has always felt sleepy when hearing somebody chanting Buddhist scripts. Therefore, she considers herself not the sort of material to practice Buddhism, or to become enlightened.
Then I told her:
“Not true at all”, “‘enlightened’ does not come from ‘learning’; it is actually achieved by practicing, and will be revealed from your own nature!”