弘聖上師 說法影音
2012年6月20日 高雄明覺法堂
Dharma Teachings by Master Hong Sheng in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
on June 20th, 2012
要超拔痛苦的人生窘境, 師父在此次的說法當中,直截切入,理論方法一次備齊,歡迎同修大德們共霑法益,體現幸福人生~
Master Hong-Sheng:
“Correcting and practice ourselves is not easy, but we should not quit from doing so just because it isn’t easy; getting happiness is not effortless, but no one should say ‘no’ to it just because it is challenging. In other words, to unload our pain and misery is not easy either, but no one should continue to be suffered just because it is hard…...”
To overcome the dilemma of life, we need both a correct theory and a proper method. The Master explains them all in this lecture, directly points out the path to happiness. Welcome each and every one of you to study with us.