一覺元 文萃 第 12 期【信而有徵】


Listened to the Impermanence CD,

A Hu the Cat Passed Away with Tear 



聽無住流淚往生的阿虎 (1).jpg

- There was a trace tear on the corner of A Hu's eye -


In the morning of April 25, 2014, Sophie received a phone call from her high school classmate whom told her that she had picked up a injured new born kitten on the roadside and because of that, her mother did not allow her bringing it back or keeping it. She asked if Sophie was able to raise it and wanted her promise. I was next to Sophie, as I heard of it, I told Sophie to let her classmate bring the kitten to us first. It was more important to keep the kitten being alive than to think about whether we were able to raise it. As we had have been keeping a dog for more than 10 years, the dog had passed away on March 22 due to breast cancer, we happened to have some ointment at home. Sophie's classmate and her sister carefully had the kitten wrapped by using a clean towel and put it in a paper box, and then brought it to our house by scooter. Before sending the kitten to us, Sophie's classmate and her sister had an argument with their mother so I wanted them to go home and apologise to their mother and then come over to our house again to see the kitten. Hence they couldn't bear to leave our house...

After Sophie's classmate and her sister left, Sophie and I immediately played the Impermanence CD , started to check the kitten's body to see if there's any trauma. The kitten looked like dying, I could only hold my tears while cleaning its mouth and removing the sand on its eyes, and had been chanting Amitabha to it. According to my experience of raising pets, such kitten that was abandoned by its mother, it is impossible to survive. Besides it was hungry and its body temperature was low. I told Sophie that the kitten might die.

Suddenly, the kitten moved and meowed loudly! That was amazing! Sophie and I was happy. Our instincts told us that it was due to the sounds of Impermanence CD. I rushed up the stairs to make some milk for the kitten, it drank a few and meowed again.  After a while, there were some blood coming from its nose and some mix of sand and blood from its mouth. But there wasn't milk coming out! Sophie carefully hold it in her hands while I was cleaning the kitten. We hoped that by the time it passed away, the kitten was clean and beautiful. We hoped that the kitten felt being cared and we kept chanting Amitabha as well. The kitten gradually stopped moving, it seemed to fall asleep. We could not tell if the kitten was still breathing. Therefore we told the kitten gently, Master Hong Sheng is singing to you! Listen to Master! After that, we saw there was a tear coming from the kitten's eye, which was moving. Sophie and I nearly cried as well. However we thought of Master Hong Sheng advised us that getting recovery and pass away peacefully are a good thing. So, instead of crying, we wished the kitten well with joy.

After the kitten had passed away for 3 to 4 hours, Sophie called her classmate, told her not to cry when she comes to see the kitten. Sophie and her classmate buried the kitten together at my yard and gave it a name, A Hu because its pattern was like a tiger. Hu is tiger in Chinese.

Later on we had a chat and asked Sophie's classmate how she found A Hu on the roadside? Her classmate and her sister was surprised as well. They said when they went out for walk, they did not see A Hu, but when they returned home, they were on the same path as they went out, they noticed that there was something, as they walked closer, they realised that it was a kitten. In the beginning, they thought A Hu was dead. As they were about to leave, A Hu meowed twice and used all her strength to have its head up. It seemed that A Hu asked them for help. Therefore, Sophie's classmate and her sister decided to bring A Hu back. When they arrived home, A Hu looked dying, their mother therefore refused to keep it and forced them to send A Hu away. They had made several phone called to their classmates and were being rejected . Nobody thought it was possible to make a dying kitten survive. Sophie's classmate did not consider to ask Sophie at first because she thought Sophie had a dog, but she eventually called Sophie, and surprisingly heard Sophie was willing to have A Hu right away.

We felt even more incredible after listening to this story. A Hu was very lucky that it could hear Master Hong Sheng's singing before passing away.

Postscript: Due to the A Hu , Sophie's classmate started to listen to the Impermanence CD!

Thank A Hu for proving us that the sounds from Master Hong Sheng are truly precious.

Thank Master Hong Sheng for saving all the beings from suffering anytime anywhere.


Written by Sherry

April 25, 2014




Listened to the Impermanence CD by Master Hong Sheng,

A Hu the Cat Passed Away with Tear




神奇的是它的身體突然動了起來,而且還叫了好大聲喵~,我和俐萍好開心,直覺就是元和妙音真是太不可思議了!!!我馬上衝上樓泡牛奶餵牠,牠喝了兩三口又叫了一聲喵~!可是過了一會,鼻孔流了一些血出來,嘴裡也流出一些帶沙的血,但是沒有吐奶喔!俐萍細心地捧著牠,讓我好幫牠擦拭乾淨,想說至少讓她往生時是漂亮乾淨的、是受人呵護的,並在一旁念阿彌陀佛的佛號,小貓咪好像睡著了似的~漸漸地不動了、也看不出有呼吸時,我們輕聲跟牠說:師父在唱元和妙音給妳聽喔!要聽 師父的話喔!沒一會兒~看見小貓咪的眼角流出淚水……………,我們看了差點爆哭,但想到 師父的話~好起來和好走都是好之後,就強忍住淚水,用歡喜心送牠往生!



我們聽完這段之後更覺得太不可思議了!怎麼會有這麼殊勝的因緣,在往生前可以聽到 師父唱的元和妙音!!!






感恩 師父無時無刻都在救眾生脫離苦海!


弟子 晏菱 恭記



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