路有窮盡 心無框限
白晝循天 性不動染
過未相待 冤親等念
明晦交易 道中不偏
🌟 2024 旅幻化__弘聖師
路有窮盡 心無框限
白晝循天 性不動染
過未相待 冤親等念
明晦交易 道中不偏
🌟 2024 旅幻化__弘聖師
🎉Happy New year !!🎉🎉🎉
Perfect Reflection
12月 ▎December
You can do it if you want
學生 / 師父,請問要做什麼功課才可以做到不會生氣?
聖師 /是你不願意不生氣,不是你不會,基於你的不願意,所以做再多功課都沒有用。
Student/ Master, what kind of method should I use to stop getting angry?
Master Hong Sheng/ You can actually stop being angry but you choose to be unwilling. Based on your unwillingness, it’s useless to do more.
Perfect Reflection
11月 ▎November
The Dharma of mind has nothing to do with the practice
學生 / 師父,請問我要做什麼功法讓我心情平靜?
聖師 / 平靜是心法的問題,跟功法沒有關係,跟你放下多少有關係。
Student/ Master, what kind of practice should I do to find my inner peace?
Master Hong Sheng/ Inner peace is about the Dharma of mind and is not related to the practice. It’s about how much you let go.
Perfect Reflection
10月 ▎October
Worshiping the Buddha is just worshiping the Buddha
學生 / 師父,我生病也拜佛念佛了,為什麼不會好?
聖師 / 拜佛就是拜佛,念佛就是念佛
Student/ Master, worshiping the Buddha and reciting the Buddha’s name can cure illness. I did them all while ill, why am I still sick?
Master Hong Sheng/ Worshiping the Buddha is just worshiping the Buddha. Reciting the Buddha’s name is just reciting the Buddha’s name.
How is it possible to get better when you have so many distracting thoughts while worshiping the Buddha and reciting the Buddha’s name?
Perfect Reflection
9月 ▎September
The mind is everything
生病學生 / 師父,請問我要怎麼念佛?
聖師 / 用志求往生極樂的氣魄心念去念佛,你的病會痊癒也有機會去極樂。用為了治病而念佛的心,最好的狀態就只是治好病,去不了極樂,因為念頭不對!
Patient/Master, how should I recite the Buddha’s name?
Master Hong Sheng/Recite the Buddha’s name with strong faith of go to the Pure Land. Your illness will be cured and may have a chance of rebirth there. If your intention is only to cure your illness only the illness alone will be healed and you will not rebirth there because your mind is incorrect.
一覺元 文萃第 40 期
【弘聖上師 法語】
弘聖上師 法語
Perfect Reflection
8月 ▎August
If you know how to do it, then you can do it
學生 / 師父,您說的我都知道,但是我就明知道卻做不到!
聖師 / 明知道而做不到,絕對不是明知道,「明」是清楚透徹,清楚透徹的人怎麼可能會做不到!?
Student/Master, you made it all clear, but I cannot make it even though I understood.
Master Hong Sheng/Understanding but not being able to do it is not understanding, "Clear" means being distinct and thorough, how could someone who is distinct and thorough, but unable to do it!?
Perfect Reflection
7月 ▎July
無所有,何來我 All existences are illusions, where does the self come from?
學生 /師父,請問我要怎麼有耐心?
聖師 /一切法無所有,都沒有我了,那裡有什麼有耐心沒有耐心。
Student/ Master, how to be patient?
Master Hong Sheng/ All existences are illusions even the self is not existing. Where can we find any patience or impatience?
Perfect Reflection
6月 ▎June
不是一個人 Not alone
學生 / 如果大家都不來學習,師父您不就剩一個人了?
聖師 / 我哪有剩一個人,盡虛空遍法界是一體,我就是全宇宙!
Student/ Are you the only one left if everyone doesn't want to learn from you?
Master Hong Sheng/ The entire universe and all the different dimensions of space are oneness. I’m not alone. I am the essential self, the entire universe.
Perfect Reflection
5月 ▎May
一直做好自己 Be the best version of yourself
學生 / 師父,請問家人要怎麼轉?
聖師 / 我從來沒有跟家人說過什麼道理,我只是一直做好我自己,時間到就轉了!
Student/Master, how to mold my family members to become better people?
Master Hong Sheng/I had never told principles to my family. I just did the best version of myself and they became better when the time was up.
Perfect Reflection
4月 ▎April
哪有那麼多情緒? Where can we find so many emotions?
學生 / 請問要怎麼去面對做錯事情的情緒?
聖師 / 就是改啊!改了!就沒了,哪有那麼多情緒?
Student/How do I deal with the emotions after making mistakes?
Master Hong Sheng/You need to correct your mistakes! After correcting them, they’d be gone.
Where can we find so many emotions?
Perfect Reflection
3月 ▎March
剛好去極樂世界 Just Rebirth in the Pure Land !
學生 / 師父,生病靠拜佛念佛,萬一死了怎麼辦?
聖師 / 你拜佛念佛最終目標是要做什麼?
學生 / 去極樂世界啊!
聖師 / 那斷氣剛好去有什麼不好?
Student/ Illness can be cured by worshiping the Buddha and reciting the Buddha’s name. This depends only on these. What if I died?
Master Hong Sheng/ What’s the final goal of worshiping the Buddha and reciting the Buddha’s name?
Student/ Rebirth in the Pure Land!
Master Hong Sheng/ What's wrong with rebirth in the Pure Land just when you breathe your last?
Perfect Reflection
2月 ▎February
值得一輩子努力 It’s worth your lifetime effort.
學生 / 師父,請問我除了二六時中念佛跟改個性以外,還有什麼可以努力?
聖師 / 光是這個就值你一輩子努力了!
Student/ Master, what else could I put my effort into except reciting the Buddha’s name 24/7 and changing my personality?
Master Hong Sheng/ These are worth your lifetime effort.
Perfect Reflection
1月 ▎January
學修之人 Practitioner
學生 / 怎麼樣才算是有在學修的人?
聖師 / 隨時都在調整自己的劣根性,沒有任何藉口,不會同樣的犯第二次錯,就是有在學修的人。
Student/ How can one be regarded as a practitioner?
Master Hong Sheng/ A person who can adjust themselves at any time without any excuses and doesn’t make the same mistake again can be regarded as a practitioner.
⚜️弘聖靈覺 禪師 語錄⚜️
無量維次的宇宙 原來是一個完整的 自己
/ 弘聖靈覺禪師 / /
The universe in infinite dimensions is originally a complete self.
/ Zen Master Hong Sheng Ling Jue / /
⚜️弘聖靈覺 禪師 語錄⚜️
/ 弘聖靈覺禪師 / /
If we can resolve the inner conflict, then the external conflict will also be solved.
If we can maintain a pure and good heart,
then the natural environment will also return to the pure goodness.
/ Zen Master Hong Sheng Ling Jue / /
⚜️弘聖靈覺 禪師 語錄⚜️
佛法 是一個高度的科學
/ 弘聖靈覺禪師 / /
Buddhism is a high science.
It is an exquisite life transformation project.
/ Zen Master Hong Sheng Ling Jue / /